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1.When to start your clean 9

Always start the Clean 9 plan when you have a couple of quieter days like on a weekend /holiday or a time when you have 2 consecutive days where you can crash out if you feel you need to.
If you are feeling stressed at work or running around after the kids this will add further pressures to you.
Get a couple of early nights! Using Clean 9 can cause slightly unpleasant side effects such as headaches, or flu like symptoms, as a reaction to your body starting to cleanse itself. Sleep is the greatest healer and getting to bed early is the best way to beat it!
Give yourself 3-4 Wean Days before you start
Doing the diet is the start of a new healthier you.
3-4 days before you start on the Clean 9 , start to wean yourself off Tea, Coffee, Fizzy drinks Alcohol, Sugary and Fatty foods. Don't forget to stop those processed foods like biscuits and takeaways as well.
The headaches that some people suffer from during the early stages of the cleanse are a result of the withdrawal of these drugs from your body. The higher your usual consumption of alcohol and caffeine pre-cleanse, the stronger the headaches will be. Gradually weaning your body off these unhealthy foods and drinks will help your body start to cope much better. See what our nutrition experts say . Reducing your cigarette intake will also help. Those who have taken this step report suffering only mild headaches.  If you do start getting headaches in days 1 and 2, use a small dab of Forever Living Aloe Vera Heat Lotion on your temples and back of your neck. You ideally want to Avoid Consuming ANYTHING that’s not part of the Clean 9 cleanse and this includes tablets like Paracetamol. (Please note this doesn’t include Forever supplements or any medication you are on) and so the heat lotion is an excellent way of soothing headaches drug free!
For us ladies, don’t start the Clean 9 while on your period. Your measurements won’t be accurate and we all crave food when we have our monthly visitor!

2.Clean 9 Motivation 

Write Everything Down : Our experience has shown us that you are more likely to stick with the programme and achieve your goals if you write down your daily meals and chart your progress. Ask a friend or relative to do the Clean 9 with you so you can motivate each other. Use the daily planner that is included in the pack to keep track of your daily achievements.
Write down 3 realistic goals you would like to achieve in the next 9 days, review these daily and create a mental picture of what you would like to see and how you want to feel. Have a clear goal as to why you want to do the Cleanse and write it down. This will make it easier to do the cleanse.
3.Do your mental preparation: Know that the first 2 days are THE MOST challenging. Your goal will motivate you to continue when the going gets tough. Share your goal with others, as saying it out loud will make it more real.
What’s your ideal weight? – Do you want to fit into that particular pair of jeans or want to reduce your dress or waist size?
Why not stick a picture of yourself at your ideal weight on the fridge door or upload a old photo of you at your ideal weight onto your mobile phone so you can see it every time you look at your mobile.
Wherever you put it make sure it's somewhere you can see it regularly. Maybe you are looking for more energy? We all start to slow down as we put more weight on, using the clean 9 will help to revitalise you and give you more energy
4.Aloe  Vera Gel: Start to drink a small amount of your Aloe Vera Gel 3-4 days before your Clean 9. Try One 10 ml shot 3 times a day to get your body used to it. Build that up to 20 ml 3 times a day.
There is actually enough in the box to be able to cleanse and cleanse for up to 11 days so there is plenty of additional gel to enable you to start easing yourself in
Forever Living Ultra Lite Shake. Another good tip is if you can replace one of your normal meals with a Forever Ultra shake on the wean days it will help prepare your body and make it easier to do the Clean 9.

If you don’t use skimmed milk why not mix Almond Milk with the Forever Ultra shake it tastes like ice cream. Yummy!
Why not order both Ultra Lite shake flavours, Chocolate and Vanilla, It will give you a choice and variety of tastes at meal times so you have something different to look forward to and you can compare them and decide which one you like the best.

5.Weigh & Measure Yourself Before You Start

Your weight might fluctuate day to day so instead of weighing yourself daily record your weight on days one, three, six and nine.
If you are looking for weight loss using Clean 9 then it's important to know exactly what size and weight you are before you start your Cleanse.
Weigh and measure yourself, and don’t forget your arms, legs, chest, stomach and hips.
After the 9 days make sure you use the same scales just for accuracy. The amount of weight people lose is variable but do remember this is a nutritional cleanse too and your digestive tract is getting an amazing clean out. Why not take  a before and after selfie of your body to see the difference in your shape and it will be a great reminder to eat well in the future.
6. Exercise : While you are on the Clean 9 it is highly recommended that you do 30 minutes of light exercise a day. A brisk walk is good, better again if you can manage a small incline like a hill on your walk to get the heart pumping. This will help to boost your energy levels and also distract you if you find you are missing food. Fitting exercise into your daily routine should become a habit, even if it is taking the stairs instead of the lift, or getting off the bus one stop earlier than usual.  You don’t need to go to the gym to exercise you can do it anywhere

Day 1 & 2

If you are cooking for the family on days 1 & 2, try to make something you don’t like so that you aren’t tempted to take a Taste!
When your body is cleansing you can sometimes  feel cold like symptoms, especially on day 1 & 2. Just drink more water, If you really find it hard you can have some fruit like melon, grapes, grapefruit or a few unsalted almonds.
Days 3-9 & Your 600 Calorie Meals
On day 3 you can have a 600 calorie main meal either at lunchtime or in the evening, but why not spread these calories out over the whole day. Have 400 calories for your main meal and have two- 100 calorie snacks during the day.
The booklet in the Clean 9 pack gives you some suggestions on some healthy 100 calorie snacks. This can be a useful way to use your calorie allowance up if you tend to get the afternoon slump or evening munchies as most of us do. Plan and practice some of your 600 calorie meals on your family BEFORE you start the Clean 9 so cooking isn’t too hard on you when you start the Clean 9, as the family can enjoy the same meals as you. Shopping while on a cleanse is not easy, try to avoid if possible.
Planning your meals before you start the diet will mean you will be more likely to eat healthy meals and less likely to snack or grab convenience foods.  Check out our 600 calorie recipe ideas here to get you started.started. Don't forget,try not to include too much processed food in your meals and eat lots of fresh greens. Make sure you take your Garcinia plus 20 minutes before each meal and Ultra lite shake. Although the Forever Ultra shakes you take as part of the Clean 9 provide you with all the nutrition you need, you are on course to a healthier lifestyle, so start as you mean to go on.

7.Drink lots of water often

Most people who do the cleanse do not drink enough water, which can cause headaches as the body gets dehydrated. Drinking 2 litres of water per day can be hard to do for most of us as we prefer to top up with fizzy drinks or sugary drinks, so this is another habit you need to try to get into before you start.
Coffee, Tea and Wine do not count: in fact, you should add one EXTRA glass of water to your daily intake for each cup of coffee, tea or glass of wine you drink. Water also helps you to feel less hungry by filling you up.
If you aren’t a fan of water, why not use some Forever living Aloe blossom tea bags to make yourself a refreshing herbal tea instead. Please note: Can only be taken from day 3 onwards
If you prefer hot drinks to cold, try warming the milk for your shake first for a yummy hot chocolate or vanilla drink!

Forever Living Health Supplements

Don’t stop taking your normal Forever Living supplements. If you are already taking health supplements, don’t stop these when you are doing your cleanse. Also, if you are prone to getting an upset tummy or constipated when you make diet changes then we recommend you add the Forever living Active Probiotic to your daily routine.

8.When You Feel Like Quitting, Think About Why You Started!

Our last tip is concentrate on the outcome! There will be a reason why you have chosen to do the Clean 9 cleanse, whether it is to lose weight/tummy or to cleanse our body, give your weight loss a kick-start, or to start leading a healthier lifestyle, this can all be achieved if you can stick with it for just 9 days!

Be ready when the Clean 9 program has ended to have on Day 10 and thereafter, well-balanced, nutritious meals made from healthy choices of foods and eaten in the recommended portions. And don’t forget at this great stage don’t throw all your good efforts away by going back to old habits. Move on to Phase 2, Forever F 15. for long term weight management.

      GOOD LUCK!



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